Alternatives à Kensington Lock : Protection contre le vol dans le commerce de détail pour les ordinateurs portables
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Alternatives aux verrous Kensington : Protection renforcée contre le vol dans le commerce de détail pour les ordinateurs portables

Date: Apr 18 2024
Temps de lecture : 4 minutes

Laptops are one of the top 10 most popular items for retail theft. More than 9 times out of 10 they’re never recovered. Protecting high-value merchandise like notebooks, desktop computers, and gaming laptops can be difficult for retailers, especially if they don’t want to compromise the shopping experience. Kensington Locks (K-Locks) have been the standard for over three decades for their reliability and ease of use, but it’s only a matter of time before even the most reliable technology receives an update. For retailers struggling to implement loss prevention measures for these devices, discover why a K-Lock may not be what you need and some different solutions on the market.

Qu’est-ce qu’un verrou Kensington ?

Kensington Locks are laptop cable locks that were developed in the 1980s. It functions in the same way a cable bike lock would. You loop the cable around something sturdy and then place the lock head into a small slot on your device and lock it into place using a combination or key. They gained traction in the early 1990’s and became so popular in fact, that a T-bar, or Kensington Slot has become an industry standard, being built into over 95% of notebooks, monitors, printers, and projectors.

Comment prévenir le vol à l’étalage K-Lock ?

What many retail stores don’t know is that K-Locks were not designed for retail security settings or for products that will be unattended for extended periods of time. Since nearly 50% of all laptop theft occurs in offices and classrooms, they’re better used to deter “snatch and grab” thieves or for more personal applications. Think of small businesses using notebooks in their IT departments to store valuable data, or someone working in a co-working space or coffee shop that may leave their notebook unattended to use the restroom or take a call.

Bien sûr, les ordinateurs portables n’ont plus le même aspect qu’il y a 20 ans, devenant plus puissants et beaucoup plus fins. Kensington a suivi les tendances, en créant des appareils équipés de ports USB (bientôt supprimés) et d’emplacements Nano. Cela ne tient toujours pas compte des présentoirs de vente au détail ou des ordinateurs portables sans K-Slots, comme le bien-aimé MacBook.

Solutions de sécurité pour les ordinateurs portables dans les magasins de détail à haut risque de vol
Laptop Lock

Laptop Lock is the latest solution for stores in high-theft areas or with limited employees and security guards. The modular track design is perfect for small spaces or for displaying multiple products in a row.

It operates using a single key, meaning staff can unlock products quickly for fast merchandising and customer interaction. Is the floor model the last item in stock? No problem, unlock it in seconds to make the sale. Since it doesn’t rely on a K-Slot to secure notebooks, it can be used with all brands.

Laptop Lock doesn’t just improve operations but dramatically improves the customer’s shopping experience. The small form of the brackets doesn’t block the screen or keyboard so customers get an authentic feel for the product.

Systèmes de verrouillage économiques

There’s a reason Kensington has been the industry standard for so long. If you need a small-scale solution or value the ease of use in your business, InVue’s K-Lock is a great alternative for any device with a K-Slot. As the name implies, it works for valuables with a Kensington Slot, but the difference is the ability to alarm the product. In the event a thief tries to yank or cut the attached cable, an alarm will sound.

Laptop AOP

Laptop AOP (alarm on product) is a budget-friendly solution to protect electronics sans K-Slot. It uses a powerful adhesive that attaches the alarm directly to the laptop, monitor, etc. The adhesive can only be removed using a specialized tool, so you don’t have to worry about a person simply peeling it off.

Both solutions are easy to install and deliver reliable security and a seamless experience for shoppers. As a bonus, both loss prevention devices rely on a single key to operate, making them easy to scale and maintain.

Des systèmes de sécurité de vente au détail supérieurs améliorent l’expérience en magasin

La plupart des marques s’accordent à dire que l’expérience d’achat en magasin est une priorité absolue pour leur entreprise, mais trouver un moyen de faire le lien entre l’expérience et la protection des actifs a toujours été un défi de taille. Tous nos produits placent les acheteurs au premier plan de notre processus de conception et offrent un contrôle d’accès inégalé grâce à l’utilisation de technologies OneKEY ou de numérisation sans fil.

Grâce à un meilleur contrôle d’accès via OneKEY, vous pouvez obtenir un rapport sur des données pertinentes sur votre magasin, comme les produits avec lesquels les clients interagissent le plus, rationaliser les opérations quotidiennes du magasin pour les employés et augmenter vos résultats grâce à une gestion plus efficace des produits.

Contactez InVue dès aujourd’hui pour obtenir de meilleures solutions afin de protéger vos actifs et de fidéliser vos clients.


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