De nouveaux locaux pour InVue en 2017. - InVue
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De nouveaux locaux pour InVue en 2017.

Date : 09 mai 2016
Temps de lecture : 1 minute

InVue employees will soon have a new view. A groundbreaking ceremony kicked off construction of the new InVue corporate campus — more than double the size of our two existing buildings. “This building is a testament to the hard work and dedication of InVue’s global employees who have helped us outgrow our current space. We want a great work environment for our employees and also to be able to attract top talent to Charlotte as we continue to grow”, according to Jim Sankey, InVue CEO.

The new building will house an innovation and design center, showroom to demonstrate our products to customers, the industries largest quality assurance facility, engineering and customer service as well as the the rest of the InVue team. Built for collaboration, the building will feature increased conferencing areas including flex conferencing for informal collaboration and exterior glass walls for natural light.

invue's nouveau bâtiment fera partie d’un complexe de bien-être et comprendra un gymnase, un centre de cyclisme, un chiropraticien et d’autres entreprises liées à la santé et au bien-être. L’achèvement des travaux est prévu pour le début de 2017. Des mises à jour de photos seront sur invue's page Facebook.

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