L'avenir, c'est maintenant, grâce à la IR3 Key de InVue - InVue
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L'avenir, c'est maintenant, grâce à la IR3 Key d'InVue.

Date : 06 juin 2016
Temps de lecture : 1 minute
Innovation InVue 2016… et ce n'est qu'un début.

At InVue, innovation is in our DNA. The new IR3 Key is no exception. In 2006, InVue introduced the IR Key, an advancement in security that provided a unique store or department code and time out feature for lost keys. With this introduction, retailers said goodbye to cumbersome key rings with multiple keys. In 2012, InVue introduced the IR2 key that allowed for power transfer to a security device and enabled our exclusive IR Ecosystem — a storewide, single key security system for high theft display merchandise. These keys helped InVue earn the dominant position in the retail security market. As good as we were, we were only solving half of the problem. The fact is that internal theft is about half of all retailer’s theft. The IR3 Key has data collection capabilities that when combined with our new Access Manager, allows retailers to control key access and know who engages a security device…and when.

La nouvelle IR3 Key fait ainsi franchir une nouvelle étape au IR Ecosystem. Elle est compatible avec tous les produits InVue actuels et futurs.

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